Resources  This website has a “Find Help” section where you can search for a therapist. It even has a search for support groups as well.  This website has a “Find a Therapist” option that lets you search for a therapist based on your location and the therapist's specialty.

Your doctor is a good resource. You can ask your doctor for a referral to a therapist for OCD.

OCD UK support forums

OCD Tribe support forums

self help books Since treatment for OCD is essentially just about stopping yourself from doing your OCD things, you can use this method if you want. There are many self help books out there.

telehealth Therapy sessions over "Skype" may be an option if you live far away from any OCD therapists.


If you have any suggestions about this website, or if you feel this website is helpful, please feel free to email me and let me know what you think at

Yulia, the blog owner.